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Really Great Programming! ASTC 2012 Pre-conference Workshop



ASTC Conference, Columbus OH

Really Great Programming: Best Practices in Development, Delivery, and Evaluation

ASTC Event Description | This high-energy, hands-on workshop provides an overview of best practices in educational program development, delivery, and evaluation. Topics include program design, presentation techniques, diverse audiences, universal design, and team-based inquiry. Participants will work in small groups to share their experience and improve their skills, and will take home ready-to-use resources. 


Ready-to-use resources


Leading Improv Exercises guide

Improv guides


Program Delivery

Video Training guide (NanoDays version)

How TO  Interact with Visitors (NanoDays version)

How NOT TO  Interact with Visitors (NanoDays version)

Tips for Engaging Visitors 

Tips for Visitor Conversations


Program Development

Activity Guide template

Lesson Plan template

Slides template

Universal Design guidelines

Reviewing Programs

Universal Design Checklist


Team-Based Inquiry materials

Team-Based Inquiry Report template

Basic Survey form

Data Reflection guide

Data Reflection Cheat Sheet