Is your institution looking to add components or square footage to a copy of the NISE Network's Nano mini-exhibition?Are you hoping to drive attendance with educational, innovative, hands-on temporary exhibitions about nano?
You’re in luck! We’ve put together a curated list of nano traveling exhibitions for you to choose from.
Traveling exhibitions are a group of exhibits displayed in museums or similar venues on a temporary basis, through a loan or rental agreement with the owner. Exhibitions are made up of a number of individual exhibit components, usually organized around a theme. They can include hands-on interactive components,multimedia components, object displays, and graphic panels. Exhibits are typically unstaffed experiences, designed for visitors to museums and other similar settings.
The NISE Network does not tour traveling exhibitions, however, some of our partners do tour for a fee. You can contact the owners of the traveling exhibition and ask if it is available for you to rent. If you cannot find the contact person for a specific traveling exhibition on the website please contact your regional hub leader for assistance and we will connect you with the owner.