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Partner Highlight: The Children’s Creativity Museum in San Francisco unveils an ongoing event series, Sustainability Challenges For Kids

Children's Creativity Museum


CCM sustainability challenges for kids logo


The Children’s Creativity Museum unveils an ongoing event series focused on making sustainability accessible for young children, thanks to funding from the NISE Network’s Sustainable Futures grant.

Sustainability Challenges For Kids is a collection of activities to be done at home centered around the important concept of sustainability-making choices that help people, communities, and environments be healthy now and in the future.

sustainability scavenger hunt

Every week, new creative activities and resources based on the 17 Good Life Goals (adapted from the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals) will be released so that families can learn how sustainability is relevant to their everyday life. Activities consist of weekly challenges, two scavenger hunts, and an activity where learners will imagine and create their own sustainable city. The first scavenger hunt was just released and can be downloaded from the Children’s Creativity Museum website.

