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2013 Regional Meetings



Multiple locations

Regional Meetings Fall 2013

In the Fall of 2013 he NISE Network hosted seven meetings at multiple locations throughout the United States to increase the capacity of NISE Network partners to engage the public in nanoscience, engineering, and technology. Attendance at the Regional Meetings was invitation-only due to space and budgetary limitations.



  • Goal 1: Nurture and deepen relationships with existing partners in the NISE Network.
  • Goal 2: Provide valuable networking opportunities among workshop attendees, focusing on museum educators and outreach coordinators.

  • Goal 3: Create opportunities for sharing experiences with using NISE Net products.

  • Goal 4: Discuss ways to sustain the benefits of the NISE Network after Year 10.

  • Goal 5: Present an update of NISE Net’s resources, including new programs, tools and guides, mini-exhibition, and mini-grants.



The following master slideshow was customized at each location:

Customized slides for each region, featuring partner presentation slides:


More information:

For more about the NISE Network regions, please visit