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Research Reports

Research studies are designed to generate findings that will inform the broader field of informal science education. Research studies typically use methods similar to formative and summative evaluation, such as observations, interviews, and surveys with participants; however findings from these studies are often shared more widely to advance informal science education efforts.

The NISE Network has conducted several multi-year research projects looking at different aspects of the Network that have the potential to inform the field of informal science education. Whereas the evaluation studies conducted by the NISE Network measure progress toward NISE Net goals, the research studies are designed to generate findings that will inform and advance the broader field of informal science education. Below is a description of these projects. For more details, contact members of the research team. 

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Showing 1 - 5 of 5 results

research reports icon with a blue background and a buckyball illustration

Nano and Society Case Study of a Research-to-Practice Partnership between University Scientists and Museum Professionals (2014)

Publication conducted by SRI Education that examined how complex and potentially controversial science ideas are translated for the public through a research-to-practice partnership between university scientists and museum professionals, collaborating to address a problem of educational practice, with mutual benefits.
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Partnerships in the Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network (NISE Net): A study of partnerships between university scientists and museum professionals (2015)

Publication that describes findings from SRI’s research on Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network (NISE Net)-supported partnerships between university scientists and museum professionals to educate the public about nano-scale science, engineering, and technology ("nano").
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NISE Net Research on How Visitors Find and Discuss Relevance in the Nano Exhibition (2015)

Publication focused on a study conducted on the Nano exhibition in order to answer the research question: "How do visitors use, interact with, and talk about the exhibit components within the Nano exhibition to learn about the relevance of nano to their lives?"
research reports icon with a blue background and a buckyball illustration

NISE Network Research - Nano Online: Tracking NISE Net’s Digital Footprint (2015)

Research study tracking nanoscale science and nanotechnology media coverage and discussions online.
research reports icon with a blue background and a buckyball illustration

Research on Organizational Change in a National Network of Informal Science Education Institutions (2017)

A publication that studied whether and how affiliation with the Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network (NISE Net) led to change in informal science education organizations’ (ISEs) practices.