Sun, Earth, Universe exhibition awarded locations announced
In collaboration with NASA, the NISE Network is pleased to award 52 selected institutions a free copy of the Sun, Earth, Universe exhibition, which is a new, engaging and interactive exhibition about Earth and space science for family audiences. See the list of awarded locations and learn more about the exhibition
- Watch the Sun, Earth, Universe exhibition promotional trailer video and the exhibition walkthrough video
- Learn more about the Sun and NASA's Parker Solar Probe that is currently on its way to study our nearest star
- View the companion mobile website for the exhibition:
NISE Network's Explore Science: Let's Do Chemistry kits have shipped!
The Explore Science: Let's Do Chemistry kit, developed by the NISE Network in collaboration with American Chemical Society (ACS), has shipped to 250 partners across the U.S. from Alaska to Puerto Rico. Partners will be using their kits to engage public audiences in hands-on activities that increase positive attitudes toward learning about chemistry. Read more about what to expect when your kit arrives.
Here are some resources of potential interest:
- Explore Science: Let's Do Chemistry digital kit, including facilitation and activity training videos for staff and volunteers
- Summary of National Chemistry Week resources
In case you missed it! Recording and resources now available for the recent online workshop, Explore Science: Let's Do Chemistry Kit and Celebrate National Chemistry Week
During this online workshop we heard from our project partner, the American Chemical Society, and discussed National Chemistry Week, online resources, and ways museums and chemists can collaborate on public chemistry events. Network partners also provided a look into the activities and resources in the kit, and highlighted museum-chemist collaborations. View the recording and resources from the 9-11-2018 online workshop
Editing Our Evolution Forums: Facilitating a national dialogue on human genome editing
NISE Network partners from 28 informal science education institutions across the U.S. hosted the Building with Biology project's newest Editing Our Evolution forum between February and September. This forum was developed with support from the National Science Foundation to engage the public in conversations about human genome editing technologies, their applications, and their societal and ethical implications. Forum host site organizers have shared their forum experiences with the project team and many report that hosting a community forum brought new audiences to their institutions, and provided scientists and the public an opportunity to directly share perspectives with one another. With over 500 individual forum participant responses collected, the project team is carefully reviewing and analyzing participant feedback and look forward to sharing participants' perspectives with members of the scientific community. Read the full Building with Biology project update and hear from forum hosts about their experiences
Apply now for an all new Explore Science: Earth & Space 2019 toolkit
Don't miss out on the opportunity to submit an application for the Explore Science: Earth & Space 2019 toolkit, which includes hands-on activities and professional development resources for engaging visitors in Earth and space science experiences. Applications are due November 1st; learn how to apply
Upcoming online workshops: Staying connected to the Network and community
NISE Network runs a series of free online workshops to increase the number of professional development opportunities available to our partners, and to create more channels for partners to share their work and learn from each other directly. View full details for upcoming online workshops at
Learn More About the 2019 Explore Science: Earth & Space Toolkit
Tuesday, September 18, 2018; 11am-12pm Pacific / 2pm-3pm Eastern
Join us as we discuss the Explore Science: Earth & Space project, how your organization can get involved, and learn about the newest 2019 toolkit, including information about how to apply (applications due November 1, 2018)...learn more
Celebrating the Moon, Our Nearest Neighbor in Space
Tuesday, October 9, 2018; 11am-12pm Pacific / 2pm-3pm Eastern
There are a lot of exciting Moon events coming up: International Observe the Moon Night on October 20, a total lunar eclipse on January 21, 2019, and the July 20, 2019 celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 first humans landing on the Moon. Join us to learn more about these events and how to celebrate them in your museum, as well as NASA's latest efforts to study the Moon...learn more
Deepening and Extending Family Engagement and Learning Through Interactive Exhibits and Facilitated Hands-on Activities
Tuesday, October 23, 2018; 11am-12pm Pacific / 2pm-3pm Eastern
Join members from the REVEAL and ChemAttitudes projects for a discussion of facilitation strategies you can employ with your visitors...learn more
Just around the corner: Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) Annual Conference, September 28 - October 2, 2018
We welcome all current partners, and those interested in learning more about the Network and partner opportunities, to join us in NISE Network activities at ASTC. See full details about each of the NISE Network activities list below
- Friday, 9/28: Spaces still available in preconference workshop, Science Center Public Forums: Facilitating Deliberative Conversations about Socio-scientific Issues (learn more)
- Friday, 9/28: NISE Network Happy Hour will take place at City Steam Brewery (6-7pm)
- Saturday, 9/29 and Sunday, 9/30: NISE Network booth featuring full Sun, Earth, Universe exhibition (booth #518)
- Monday, 10/1: NISE Network Partner Breakfast will be hosted at Marriott Hartford Downtown; no RSVP required (7:30-9am)
NISE Network presence at upcoming Great Lakes Planetarium Association (GLPA) Meeting in Michigan
The NISE Network will be hosting a booth and other hands-on activities at the 2018 GLPA Conference taking place in East Lansing, Michigan in October. Learn more about this conference, and if you plan to attend be sure to stop by and say hi! Learn more about GLPA
Online Workshop: Girl Scouts and STEM: New Space Science Badges and Opportunities to Connect with the Explore Science: Earth & Space Toolkits (Recorded)
During this online workshop, guest presenters from the Girl Scouts of the USA provided an in-depth look at the newest space science badges for Daisy, Brownie, and Junior, and activities that fulfill those badge requirements. We also heard from a museum-Girl Scout partnership and highlighted activities from the Explore Science: Earth & Space toolkits that are relevant to content in the badge process. View the recording and resources from the 8-21/2018 online workshop
Frankenstein digital kit and resources available online
Get ready for Halloween festivities and events by downloading your own digital Frankenstein200 kit, which includes seven hands-on activities that encourage creativity and reflection about responsible innovation. Among the activities, visitors can build their own Frankentoy or Monster Mask!
Hands-On Demonstrations with Digital Visualizations: Creating Dynamic Learning Environments at the California Academy of Sciences
By Hannah Kang, Morrison Planetarium, California Academy of Sciences
The Morrison Planetarium presenter team at the California Academy of Sciences has been using activities from the Explore Science: Earth & Space toolkits on the museum floor, including at their weekly "cocktails and science" NightLife adult events. Using hands-on demonstrations allows presenters to address some of the hottest topics in astronomy, from gravitational waves to the possibility of exoplanetary life. In kicking these experiences up a notch, planetarium presenters have combined the tactile hands-on experience with digital astronomy visualizations, utilizing planetarium software to whisk guests away to other worlds. Read the full partner highlight to learn more about coupling Earth and space hands-on activities with digital visualization experiences
Earth and Space News
NASA launches Parker Solar Probe, the first mission to the Sun
The Parker Space Probe launched August 11th and will be traveling towards to the Sun to better understand the solar wind and mechanisms that drive the wind towards Earth and beyond into the solar system. Read more and watch NASA's Parker Solar Probe Mission Overview video
NISE Network related resources
Exploring the Solar System: Magnetic Fields hands-on activity
Exploring the Universe: Imagining Life hands-on activity (Ages 4+)
Synthetic Biology News
Trial launched to treat Parkinson's with reprogrammed stem cells
Researchers in Japan are planning to launch the world's first clinical trial to treat Parkinson's disease using reprogrammed adult stem cells. Previous findings by the researchers found that injected stem cells could survive in monkey brains for up to two years and that the treatment improved symptoms in a primate model of Parkinson's disease. Read more about Parkinson's research
NISE Network related resources
Editing Our Evolution: Rewriting the Human Genome public forum
A major victory for the Impossible Burger, the veggie "meat" that bleeds
After years of undergoing review by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the FDA has concluded that soy leghemoglobin preparation is GRAS ("generally recognized as safe") under its intended conditions of use to optimize flavor in ground beef analogue products (aka veggie burgers that bleed like meat). Read more about the Impossible Burger
NISE Network related resources
Bio Bistro hands-on card based activity
Nano News
Scientists develop new "nano-swarm" robots
A groundbreaking new method of controlling nano-robots that emulates natural swarm behavior has been developed by scientists in Hong Kong, the first step in what is hoped could lead to a major medical advancement in the treatment of blood clots. Read more the present and future of nano-robots
Second-guessing consumer views on products using nanotechnology
Are manufacturers of nano-enabled products used to treat water in the home making decisions based on evidence, or on their perceptions of what they think consumer perceptions are around nanotechnology? That said, findings also show that the needle on consumer awareness of nanotechnology and the use of nanomaterials has barely shifted over the past 15 years. Read more about consumer views on products using nanotechnology
NISE Network related resources
Robots & People program
Shrinking Robots program (hands-on activity and stage presentation)
Is that Robot Real? books and graphics
Would You Buy That stage presentation
Celebrate National Nanotechnology Day on October 9, 2018
In it's third year, the National Nanotechnology Coordination Office (NNCO) is planning National Nanotechnology Day on October 9 to help raise awareness of nanotechnology. The annual celebration pays homage to the nanometer scale, 10-9 meters. Learn more about National Nanotechnology Day and for activity and event suggestions. This year's theme is "Nano in Motion;" explore NISE Net's archive of NanoDays educational products
NNOCCI introductory in-person workshops this October in Oregon
Sign up for an introductory National Network for Ocean and Climate Change Interpretation (NNOCCI) workshop to learn the basics of communicating climate change with public audiences and empower visitors to act on climate issues. Upcoming workshops include:
- October 12, 2018 in Portland, OR - Learn more
- October 19, 2018 in Bend, OR - Learn more
Current issue of Connected Science Learning now available online
In the current issue of Connected Science Learning (CSL) readers learn how two institutions provide maker experiences for youth with needs, and see how the Dragonfly Detective program shows that students can provide reliable data for scientists for use in their research. View CSL Issue 7, Part 2 Making Experiences That Inspire STEM Learning
Learn more about Leap into Science, a national program for museums, libraries, out-of-school programs, and community centers
Leap Into Science is a national program that integrates open-ended science activities with children's books, designed for children ages 3-10 and their families to build interest and skills in science literacy. The program empowers educators to offer workshops in community settings to engage underserved audiences. Learn more about Leap into Science and how to get involved
Discover activity ideas for incorporating current science, engineering, and technology content into events, special programming, holidays, and seasonal activities by visiting Check out upcoming opportunities below.
9/10-14: National Aerospace Week
9/17-21: National Pollution Prevention Week
9/29: Worldwide Day of Play
NASA's Night Sky Network - What's up for September 2018
Learn about astronomical events taking place this month
10/4-10: World Space Week
10/9: National Nano Day
10/10: Metric Day
10/8-14: Astronomy Week; Astronomy Day (October 13)
10/14-20: Earth Science Week
10/15-19: Nuclear Science Week
10/20: International Observe the Moon Night
InOMN is a worlwide, public celebration of lunar science and exploration
10/21-27: National Chemistry Week (NCW)
This year's theme is "Chemistry is Out of this World." NCW resources are now available online
10/31: Halloween
Month-long: Campus Sustainability Month
Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) Annual Conference 2018
September 29 - October 2, 2018; Hartford, CT
Learn more about NISE Network workshops, sessions, and events at ASTC. Registration open
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) 2019 Annual Meeting
February 14 - 17, 2019; Washington, DC
Meeting theme is Science Transcending Boundaries. Poster submissions due October 18
Association of Children's Museums (ACM) Interactivity 2019
May 8 - 11, 2019; Denver CO
Conference theme is FearLESS. Learn more about ACM 2019