We receive a lot of requests to be put on the waiting list for both the Sun, Earth, Universe exhibition and the Nano exhibition. In fact, many of you from the past couple of months may have just heard from me or are still awaiting a response as I go through the many requests - thank you so much for your patience! Please know all requests are being added in the order received, so if you have emailed me you are on the list whenever you first inquired, despite when you receive follow up.
Though the exhibit is available free of charge (contractually no rental, purchase, up charge, or other fees can be associated) we all know that in order to transport a 400-600 Sq Ft exhibition, you need thoughtful consideration to packaging and shipping to ensure the piece arrives safely. One example we would like to call out is North Dakota’s Gateway to Science. Kim Eslinger, Gallery and Exhibits Director, and staff put in a tremendous amount of effort to not only coordinate the logistics of a transfer of ownership of their copy of Nano to Montana Science Center, but also documented the repackaging of the shipment in great detail. In the process they created a photographic guide that is a wonderful tool for anyone planning to travel their copies of Nano or Sun, Earth, Universe (though different/slightly larger, Sun, Earth, Universe is a similarly modular piece and can be packaged much like Nano).
In addition, to keep costs down for both institutions, Kim reached out to a number of community partners and was able to get shipping materials, including pallets, donated. Of course we know this is not always possible, but we love the resourcefulness and thank Kim and team for all their efforts to give Nano new life engaging a new community!
Check out the link below to download the guide from North Dakota’s Gateway to Science. Also note, in the NISE Network’s technical manual for both Nano and Sun, Earth, Universe, you will find our detailed notes for how the original shipment was prepared. Even if items “do not go back in the box like they came out,” we recommend checking out our original packaging for more ideas.
Whether it be a move across the street or across the country, it always amazes us how well our partners are able to work together to ensure these exhibits are actively engaging new audiences. We are deeply grateful to all of our partners who have ever coordinated logistics to keep these exhibitions on display across the US!
Learn more about the NISE Network's Nano exhibition: https://nisenet.org/nano-mini-exhibition
Learn more about the NISE Network's Sun, Earth, Universe exhibition: https://nisenet.org/sunearthuniverse