The NISE Network generates, develops, implements, and collaborates on projects that strengthen informal STEM learning in communities across the United States.
NISE Network projects and partners bring people together to engage in STEM, understand our world, and build a better future for everyone.
One page summary of projects
Quick summaries of NISE Network projects are available for download.

The NISE Network's affiliated projects are generously supported by the our funders. Without their vital support these efforts would not be possible. We sincerely thank our funders for their generous support.
Our funding sources and disclaimers are available on our Project Funding Acknowledgements Page

Co-creating with Communities
Years: 2022-2025
Through two complementary NASA-funded projects, the NISE Network will increase the capacity of informal educators across the United States to work with local communities to co-create opportunities to learn about NASA science in ways that are locally relevant and inclusive of everyone.

Making Waves With Radio
Years: 2020-2024
Hands-on activities, mobile apps, and camp curriculum to support informal educators engaging public audiences on the science, technologies, and societal implications behind radio wave communications

Voyage through the Solar System
Years: 2021-2024
Toolkit of hands-on STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) activities based on NASA's continuing pursuit of human exploration of the Moon and Mars and a mobile app that launches users further into the solar system.
Products include:
- DIY Sun Science App
- Voyage through the Solar System kit (applications due May 15, 2023)

Changing Brains
Years: 2018-2022
An evolving project to empower public and professional audiences to experience, talk about, and reflect on personal, community, and societal connections of brain research and related technologies

STEM Learning Ecosystems
Years: 2021-2025
Investigating the principles and practices that can help these intentional community-wide partnerships succeed.

Space and Earth Informal STEM Education (SEISE)
STEM engagement materials and professional resources exploring authentic Earth and space science. The SEISE project has developed Explore Science: Earth & Space toolkits and Sun, Earth Universe exhibitions and provides related professional development.
Years: 2016-2022
Products include:
Explore Science: Earth & Space toolkits Hands-on activities and professional resources
Sun, Earth, Universe exhibition for museums
- Making Earth & Space Science More Relevant and Inclusive resources

Moon Adventure Game project
Years: 2019-2022
STEM educational game that immerses players in scenarios related to lunar science and exploration
Products include:

Build a Mars Habitat
Years: 2020-2023
Hands-on exhibit component exploring how humans will survive and thrive on Mars
The exhibit has been added to the 52 copies of the Sun, Earth, Universe exhibition located throughout the United States

Sustainability in Science and Technology Museums
Years: 2016-2017 and 2019-2023
Public programs, hands-on activities, professional resources, and a fellowship program for museum professionals, all related to sustainability science and practice
Products include:
- Sustainability resources for professionals at museums and cultural organizations
- Sustainable Futures collection of public programs
- SustainABLE kit of hands-on activities
Citizen Science, Civics, and Resilient Communities
Years: 2020-2021
Forums and citizen science projects about resilience planning related to heat waves, sea level rise, extreme precipitation, and drought
Products include:
- Climate Hazard Resilience Forum: Drought
- Climate Hazard Resilience Forum: Extreme Heat
- Climate Hazard Resilience Forum: Extreme Precipitation
- Climate Hazard Resilience Forum: Sea Level Rise

Years: 2016-2021
Hands-on activities and professional resources about chemistry
Products include:

Howtosmile At-Home Activities
Years: 2020-2022
NISE Network partner museums creating a new At-Home Activities Framework and a collection of over 300 at-home activities to help museums engage their communities virtually.
Products include:

Years: 2015-2021
Hands-on activities and professional resources about responsible research and innovation, developed in celebration of the 200th anniversary of the publication of the novel Frankenstein
Products include:

Building with Biology
Years: 2014-2017
Hands-on activities and professional resources to encourage conversation about synthetic biology
Products include:
- Building with Biology kit of activities and related resources

Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network
Years: 2005-2017
STEM engagement materials and professional development resources about nanoscale science, engineering, and technology. This large project developed NanoDays kits, Zoom into Nano kits, the nano mini-exhibition, and many other resources.

Products include:
- NanoDays kits (2009-2016) with public programs, hands-on activities, media, and professional resources
- NanoDays Collection Book

Museum & Community Partnerships
- Explore Science – Zoom into Nano kits (2016) with resources to foster partnerships and programming among museums and youth-serving organizations
- Museum & Community Partnerships: Collaboration Guide

Nano Mini-Exhibition for museums
- Professional development for educators and scientists