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Children participating in Creek Week in North Carolina making observations and recording data outdoors

STEM Learning Ecosystems

Museums, libraries, schools, and many other community organizations offer programs and environments that are specially designed for lifelong learning. STEM learning ecosystems bring these organizations together to support learning throughout a lifetime: at home, at school, at work, and in the community.

Informal STEM learning is fun—and important.

Research shows that informal learning settings are particularly good at sparking interest and motivation to participate in STEM activities, and at helping learners develop an identity as someone who knows about and uses STEM. Both in and out of school, learners can practice scientific reasoning, use engineering design thinking, and understand fundamental STEM concepts.

STEM Learning Ecosystem generalized example in context displaying the words culture, society and place

STEM learning ecosystems create pathways for learners from initial interest through the development of an identity as a science learner, and, in some cases, pursuit of a STEM career.

AZ state library building
We always start with the question, ‘How is this changing or helping the people that we’re ultimately looking to serve?’ Find out what the community wants and what you have, then you can find better collaboration ideas.


Arizona State Library

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STEM Ecosystems connecting communities fueling growth  logo
Diagram of a STEM Ecosystem showing the learner in the center surrounded by interconnection

STEM learning ecosystems create pathways for learners from initial interest through the development of an identity as a science learner, and, in some cases, pursuit of a STEM career.