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NISE Network members eligible to enter the 2019 Quantum Matters™ Hands-on Science Communication Competition

Museum of Science, Boston with a Quantum Leap at the Museum of Science in Boston

NanoDays is taking a Quantum Leap this year at the Museum of Science. The Museum has rebranded it to reflect that many of its university research center partners have leapt into an even smaller and more mysterious world: the realm of atoms and subatomic particles, ruled by the laws of quantum mechanics. Scientists and engineers are figuring out ways to harness spooky behaviors such as "entanglement" and "superposition" to revolutionize computing, sensing, and cybersecurity. Companies such as IBM, Google, and Microsoft are racing to build the first quantum computers. Worldwide, investment is pouring into the development of new quantum technologies for security and economic advancement. In December, Congress passed the National Quantum Initiative Act, to focus investment in quantum research and education.

The Museum of Science is launching a national Quantum Matters™ Science Communication Competition with a 3-minute Talk Competition for researchers and a Hands-on Competition which all quantum enthusiasts including informal science educators can enter.

The Finals will be held April 5th and 6th before the live audience at the NanoDays with a Quantum Leap celebration at the Museum of Science in Boston.

NISE Network members are eligible to enter the 2019 Quantum Matters™ Hands-on Science Communication Competition


The Museum of Science invites individuals and teams to design a fabulous, ah-ha! producing, hands-on activity for museum visitors, communicating a key concept in quantum science or technology and how it might matter to us in the future.

Entries due March 1st!

Finalists/Teams will receive stipends, cash prizes, expert science communication coaching, travel support to Boston, and internet fame; Finals take place on April 5th and 6th.

For the researchers in your life, please also alert them to the Quantum Matters™ Talk Competition, a challenge to produce a 3-minute talk explaining a key concept in quantum science or technology related to their research. 

Learn more about both competitions and sign up:

For questions, please contact Karine Thate at