This year the Network explored new conferences, including SEPA/WAC (a joint conference of the Southeastern Planetarium Association and the Western Alliance Conference of planetariums) and more recently the Great Lakes Planetarium Association (GLPA) Conference, which is a professional organization dedicated to supporting astronomy and space science education through planetaria. This past October, the annual GLPA Conference was hosted by the Abrams Planetarium in East Lansing, Michigan and the NISE Network had the pleasure of joining the planetaria community, learning more about their work and outreach efforts, and providing an introduction to the NISE Network.
While attending the conference, members of the NISE Network hosted a booth, offered two workshops around the Explore Science: Earth & Space toolkits, and gave a presentation about the Network during a Sponsor Showcase lunch.
Over the course of the conference, we were able to meet many new potential partners and connect with existing NISE Network partners, often meeting staff from our current partner organizations who we don't typically get the opportunity to meet at other annual conferences such as ASTC and ACM.
We look forward to welcoming new planetaria partners to the Network and attending GLPA in the future!
More photos from the 2018 GLPA Conference are available online on their Facebook page @glpasocial, including the group photo.
Flashback to the second GLPA Conference hosted by Abrams Planetarium (East Lansing, Michigan)