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Partner Highlight: Celebrating 45 Years of Nanoscale Research at the Cornell Nanoscale Science and Technology Facility

Ali Jackson, Director of Programs & Partnerships, Sciencenter
Cornell Nanoscale Science and Technology Facility CNF Logo

In celebration of the Cornell Nanoscale Science and Technology Facility's 45th anniversary (1977-2022), the Sciencenter was able to once again host the NISE Network's Nano exhibition.


Build a Giant Carbon Nanotube exhibit with visitors looking inside
Build a Giant Carbon Nanotube exhibit with visitors looking inside

Each year more than 1,000 scientists, engineers and technologists from around the world use Cornell Nanoscale Science and Technology Facility's (CNF) state-of-the-art instrumentation with the assistance of highly trained and creative specialists and staff. The ongoing partnership between this flagship facility and our museum has been incredibly valuable, and we're so happy to see it continue.



Sciencenter Ithaca NY logo vertical

As a member of the team that helped develop the mini-exhibition, it was so meaningful to bring the Nano exhibition back, and our visitors have loved it.

Over 130,000 visitors have been through the exhibition since it was installed. We're so appreciative to the CNF staff  for helping us bring it back here and for joining us on the floor – with copies of Nanooze (, hands-on demonstrations, and more.


Celebrating Anniversaries!

Learn more about the 20th anniversary of the federal National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) and ways to engage your community with NanoDays activities and National Nanotechnology Day: