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Revised Mirror Molecules graphics (new carvone molecules) for the Chemistry Makes Scents activity in the Explore Science: Let's Do Chemistry kit

Ali Jackson, Sciencenter

Explore Science: Let's Do Chemistry kit update

One of our partners alerted us to an error in how we portray the carvone molecules on the Mirror Molecules graphic shared with the Explore Science: Let's Do Chemistry - Chemistry Makes Scents activity.

We have revised that graphic in English and Spanish and posted them to Please discard the old printed Mirror Molecules materials and use these in their place.

Download new graphics:



Kudos to our partners for paying close attention. And thank you all for the amazing work you do to engage your local communities in learning about chemistry!

- The Explore Science: Let's Do Chemistry Toolkit Team




Attached Files
Attachment Size
chem_scents_mirror_molecules_11_08.pdf (508.39 KB) 508.39 KB
chem_scents_mirror_molecules_sp.pdf (508.21 KB) 508.21 KB