Exploring Products - Nano Fabrics
In this activity, learners investigate the hydrophobic properties of pants made from nano fabric and ordinary fabric.
Exploring Tools - Transmission Electron Microscopes
In this activity, learners use a model of a transmission electron microscope to image an object by looking at its shadow.
Exploring Tools - Dress Up Like a Nanoscientist
In this activity, learners see what they would look like in a cleanroom suit and consider all the special gear that nanoscientists need to work in a very clean place.
Exploring Properties - Heat Transfer
In this activity, learners investigate how quickly heat is transferred through two different materials.
Exploring Products - Nano Food
In this activity, learners explore how nanotechnology may be used in food products.
Exploring Products - Kinetic Sand
In this activity, learners investigate and compare the properties of Kinetic Sand and regular sand.
Exploring Nano & Society - Tell a Nano Story
In this activity, learners are inspired by picture cards to tell a story about nanotechnologies in the future.
Exploring Materials - Stained-Glass Windows
In this activity, learners use contact paper and colored tissue paper to create a "nanoparticle stained-glass" window.
Exploring Materials - Polarizers
In this activity, learners experiment how polarizers affect light by using two polarizing sheets and overlapping layers of transparent tape.
NanoDays 2015 Digital Kit
Digital download of all public engagement and professional development files in the NanoDays 2015 kit designed to engage the public in nanoscale science, engineering, and technology and their impact on society.impact on society.