2017 Explore Science: Earth & Space Digital Toolkit
Digital download of all public engagement and professional development files in the Explore Science: Earth and Space 2017 toolkit designed to engage the public in Earth and space science.

Explore Science: Earth & Space Events 2017 video
Video highllighting just a few of Earth and Space events held by NISE Network partners in 2017.

Exploring the Universe: Orbiting Objects
In this activity, learners experiment with different sized and weighted balls on a stretchy fabric gravity well.

Exploring the Universe: Imagining Life
In this activity, learners imagine extreme environments that may exist beyond Earth and create living things that could thrive there.

Exploring the Universe: Ice Orbs
In this activity, learners investigate a sphere of ice and objects hidden inside as a model for icy worlds in our solar system.

Exploring the Solar System: Solar Eclipse
In this activity, learners investigate the positions of the Sun, Earth, and Moon to create shadows and learn about solar eclipses.

Exploring the Solar System: Big Sun, Small Moon
In this activity, learners explore the concept of the apparent size by looking at models of celestial bodies at different distances.

Exploring the Solar System: Pocket Solar System
In this activity, learners make a scale model of the distances between objects in our solar system.

Exploring Earth: Investigating Clouds
In this activity, learners create a cloud in a bottle and explore it with laser light.

Exploring Earth: Rising Sea
In this activity, learners explore how to use topographical mapping techniques to track changes in sea level and have discussions about the effects of rising sea levels on the environment and coastal communities.