Colors at the Nanoscale: Butterflies, Beetles and Opals
In this activity, learners will be exposed to the term ‘Photonic Crystals,' explore some of the well-known photonic crystals in nature and will also be able observe one method that scientists use in trying to replicate this process.
Intro to Nano video
In this video, learners get a broad overview of the unique challenges and opportunities presented by nanoscale science, and dives into the super tiny scale of nanotechnology.
Changing Colors exhibit
An exhibit that was part of the Nanotechnology: What's the Big Deal? exhibition that shows how some high-tech nanomaterials mimic natural phenomena.
Scientific Image - Nanoscale Structures on a Blue Morpho Butterfly Wing
Magnified image of a blue morpho butterfly wing using a Scanning Electron Microscope.
Butterfly Blues video
In this O Wow Moments video, Mr. O talks about iridescence and Blue Morpho butterflies.
Exploring Structures - Butterfly
In this activity, learners investigate how butterfly wings get their color and that some wings get their color from the nanoscale structures on the wings instead of pigments.