Intro to Nano - Stage
In this stage presentation, learners experience an introduction to nanotechnology through three basic questions.
Intro to Nano Cart Demo
In this activity, learners explore the basics about nanotechnology by mixing chemicals, turning potatoes black, generating electricity, and seeing invisible light in several demonstrations and experiments.
Talking Nano Video Series
This 6-part video series provides a basic Nano 101 introduction to nanotechnology, potential applications, implications, and impacts.
Unexpected Properties exhibit
Quantum Dots exhibit that was part of the Nanotechnology: What's the Big Deal? exhibition that demonstrates how materials at the nanoscale can have unexpected properties.
At the Nanoscale exhibit
An exhibit that was part of the Nanotechnology: What's the Big Deal? exhibition that aims to show just how super small one billionth of a meter, or one nanometer, really is.
Creating Nanomaterials exhibit
An exhibit that was part of the Nanotechnology: What's the Big Deal? exhibition that demonstrates how scientists are using the ability of molecules to self-assemble to create consumer goods with surprising properties.
Nano Ice Cream
In this public presentation, a presenter will demonstrate how liquid nitrogen cools a creamy mixture at such a rapid rate that it precipitates super fine grained (nano) ice cream.