Online Workshop Recording: Nano Brown-Bag: The International Year of Light 2015 - What's Nano about Light?
Online professional development workshop recording focused on the International Year of Light (2014).
Online Workshop Recording: Nano Brown-Bag: The Science Behind NanoDays 2013 - Part 2
Online professional development workshop recording (2013).
NanoDays 2014 Digital Kit
Digital download of all public engagement and professional development files in the NanoDays 2014 kit designed to engage the public in nanoscale science, engineering, and technology and their impact on society.impact on society.
Invisibility Cloak video
In this 4-min video the idea of invisibility cloaks is comedically explored.
NanoDays 2013 Digital Kit
Digital download of all public engagement and professional development files in the NanoDays 2013 kit designed to engaging the public in nanoscale science, engineering, and technology and their impact on society.impact on society.
Exploring Properties - Invisibility
In this activity, learners investigate how glass objects can be "hidden" in some liquids through refraction.
Exploring Nano & Society - Invisibility Cloak
In this activity, learners explore how refraction can be used to make a glass stir rod "disappear" in a cup of baby oil, while having conversations about new technologies.