A Guide to Building Partnerships Between Science Museums and University-Based Research Centers
Professional development guide for scientists from the Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network.
Intro to Nano video
In this video, learners get a broad overview of the unique challenges and opportunities presented by nanoscale science, and dives into the super tiny scale of nanotechnology.
At the Nanoscale exhibit
An exhibit that was part of the Nanotechnology: What's the Big Deal? exhibition that aims to show just how super small one billionth of a meter, or one nanometer, really is.
Intro to Nanotechnology Video exhibit
An exhibit that was part of the Nanotechnology: What's the Big Deal? exhibition that shows a video introduction to the Intro to Nanotechnology exhibition.
Explore Science - Zoom into Nano Digital Kit
Digital download of all public engagement and professional development files in the Museum & Community Partnership Explore Science: Zoom into Nano kit designed to engage underserved audiences in nanoscale science, engineering, and technology through local community collaborations.
Partnerships in the Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network (NISE Net): A study of partnerships between university scientists and museum professionals (2015)
Publication that describes findings from SRI’s research on Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network (NISE Net)-supported partnerships between university scientists and museum professionals to educate the public about nano-scale science, engineering, and technology ("nano").
Nano and Society Case Study of a Research-to-Practice Partnership between University Scientists and Museum Professionals (2014)
Publication conducted by SRI Education that examined how complex and potentially controversial science ideas are translated for the public through a research-to-practice partnership between university scientists and museum professionals, collaborating to address a problem of educational practice, with mutual benefits.
Nanotechnology: What's the Big Deal? exhibition
The Nanotechnology: What's the Big Deal? exhibition is a large, traveling exhibition that engages visitors about nanotechnology, the science behind it, potential societal impacts, and the many ways it will improve sciences like biology, medicine, and material science.