night sky

Exploring the Solar System: Story Blocks
Every space mission has a story. In this activity, learners use blocks to tell a creative story about planning a space mission to explore the Moon together.

Exploring the Solar System: Observe the Moon
In this activity, we can look up from Earth and see the Moon with our own eyes. We can observe the Moon in even greater detail by using tools, like binoculars, telescopes, and NASA spacecraft.

Calendar of Seasonal Events and Holidays - STEM Throughout the Year!
Educators can find ideas for incorporating STEM content into holidays, seasons, annual events, and special events throughout the year.

Finding astronomy volunteers: Solar System Ambassadors Program, Night Sky Network, and Astronomy Ambassadors
Tools and online workshop recording focused on finding space science experts including Solar System Ambassadors Program, Night Sky Network of astronomy clubs, and AAS Astronomy Ambassadors.