Exploring Products - Nano Sand
In this activity, learners explore how water behaves differently when it comes in contact with nano sand and regular sand.
Biomimicry: Synthetic Gecko Tape through Nanomolding
In this long activity, learners make a synthetic gecko tape with micron sized hairs that mimics that behavior of the gecko foot.
Cleaning Oil Spills with Chemistry
In this activity, learners will experiment with different methods of cleaning up a model oil spill.
Scientific Image - Nano Lab Boot Covers and Sticky Mat
Photograph of cleanroom sticky mat and booties in a nanotechnology fabrication lab.
Exploring Products - Kinetic Sand
In this activity, learners investigate and compare the properties of Kinetic Sand and regular sand.
Biomimicry: From Nature to Nanotech
In this long activity, learners will engage in activities showing various natural phenomena that scientists and engineers have emulated to address human problems.