The NISE Network runs a series of free online workshops to increase the number of professional development opportunities available to our partners, and create more channels for partners to share their work and learn from each other directly.
Online Workshop: Evaluating Educational Experiences During Times of Limited Social Interactions - Adventures in Team-Based Inquiry
Tuesday, November 16, 2021; 2pm - 3pm Eastern / 11am - 12pm Pacific
View a recording of the workshop and resources here

The pandemic has led many museums to develop new types of products and practices. However, with limited social interactions, it can be very difficult to know what our audiences need and whether new products are working as intended. In this online workshop, we will explore a set of resources that anyone can use to improve educational experiences and professional practices even during times of limited social interaction. Team-based inquiry (TBI) is a practitioner-led evaluation model that involves posing inquiry questions, collecting data to investigate those questions, analyzing and reflecting on the data, and making changes to improve practice. We’ll share the NISE Network’s TBI resources, including a published guide with handouts and activities as well as a suite of training videos available online. Participants will learn about the four stages of TBI and also hear how museum professionals around the country with no prior evaluation experience have used TBI to improve their work.

Team-based inquiry guide: https://www.nisenet.org/catalog/team-based-inquiry-guide
Team-based inquiry training videos: https://www.nisenet.org/catalog/team-based-inquiry-training-videos

Elizabeth Kunz Kollmann
Museum of Science, Boston
Boston, MA

Allison Anderson
Museum of Science, Boston
Boston, MA

Rae Ostman
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ