Tuesday, February 11, 2025; 2pm - 3pm Eastern / 11am - 12pm Pacific
Register here for this online workshop
Join us to discover key ideas for building and sustaining community partnerships that make STEM content more relevant and inclusive. Members of the NISE Network's STEM Learning Ecosystems project will share learnings from the project as well as resources you can use. Whether you are already involved in a STEM ecosystem, looking for ways to get more involved, or simply want to create stronger partnerships within your community, don't miss this opportunity to learn more about practices and principles for place-focused, community-wide partnerships that foster authentic STEM learning.
- NISE Network STEM Learning Ecosystem resources: nisenet.org/stem-learning-ecosystems

Rae Ostman, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ

Ali Jackson, Sciencenter, Ithaca, NY

Allison Anderson, Museum of Science, Boston, MA