The NISE Network runs a series of free online workshops to increase the number of professional development opportunities available to our partners, and create more channels for partners to share their work and learn from each other directly.
Museum Community Partnerships - Part 2: Girl Scouts
Tuesday, November 14, 2017; 2 - 3pm Eastern / 11am - 12pm Pacific
The Girl Scouts announced a new set of STEM badges in 2017! Join us to learn about the new badges, and how science museums can successfully partner with their local Girl Scout troops. We'll be joined by STEM Strategy staff from Girls Scouts USA, as well as staff from museums who have built successful partnerships with their local troops. We'll also highlight activities from the Explore Science: Earth & Space toolkit that are ideal for Girl Scouts programs.
Organizers: Anna Hurst, Astronomical Society of the Pacific and Christina Leavell, Science Museum of Minnesota
- Suzanne Harper, Girl Scouts USA
- Joelle Adolfi and Stephanie Hildreth, Rochester Museum & Science Center
- Kristen Martin, The Tech Museum of Innovation
- Brenda Gabel, Girl Scouts of Northern California
Workshop Resources
- View recording of 11-14-2017 online workshop here (Vimeo)
- Online workshop summary of resources (PDF)
- Online workshop presentation slides (PDF)
- NISE Net Product page: Museum Community Partnerships - Part 2: Girl Scouts
- Badge connections chart on page 30-33 of
2020 Explore Science: Earth & Space Planning, Partnership, and Program Guide https://www.nisenet.org/catalog/explore-science-earth-space-event-planning-and-promotion-guide
Other Resources
- Online Workshop: Museum Community Partnerships - Part 3: Working with the Solar System Ambassadors and Night Sky Network recording and workshop resources
- Online Workshop: Museum Community Partnerships - Part 1: Libraries recording and workshop resources
- Museum & Community Partnerships: Collaboration Guide and additional resources: http://www.nisenet.org/collaboration-guide
About the Project
- Learn more about the project: http://www.nisenet.org/space
- Explore Science: Earth & Space 2017 digital toolkit available online: http://nisenet.org/earthspacekit
This material is based upon work supported by NASA under grant or cooperative agreement award number NNX16AC67A. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).