Partners at BioBuilder have developed some exciting new cards for the Building with Biology activities "Bio Bistro" and "Tech Tokens." They have graciously shared these resources back to us for all partners to use. We couldn't be more appreciative and excited to let you know about this new content!

Whether or not you are familiar with or received our past Building with Biology kit, you can easily download, print and start using all resources from these two card-based activities to help engage public audiences in conversations about the field of synthetic biology and the ways this emerging technology is interconnected with society. In the "Bio Bistro" activity, learners consider current and future synthetic biology-based food products and decided if they would, would not, or might eat these products. For "Tech Tokens," learners consider the potential advantages and disadvantages of various areas of synthetic biology research, and then are asked to invest in those that align with their values. They are also given the opportunity to consider other opinions as they select and assume the role of another person from the activity's deck of character cards.

Now, thanks to Natalie Kuldell and the team at BioBuilder, you can download a set of bonus cards that reflect some of the latest research being done in the field of synthetic biology. These cards follow the same beautiful graphic design and include new content such as pink pineapple (Bio Bistro), sweet protein (Bio Bistro), synthetic fragrances (Tech Tokens), and more. If you have the original cards from the physical kit, you can simply print and add these bonus cards to your deck. However, even if you did not receive the original kit, you can find and download the guide, signage, training videos and more for both "Bio Bistro" and "Tech Tokens" on our site.

The Building with Biology project created conversations in museums among scientists and public audiences about the emerging field of synthetic biology and societal implications. Synthetic biology uses new techniques combining biology and engineering to make new or modified living things and materials. The field is exploring where biology-based products might provide solutions to a wide diversity of problems in health, energy, and the environment.
Again, a very special thank you to our partners at BioBuilder for developing these amazing new resources and sharing them back for the community's use! Their continued work is making huge strides in the field and we are thrilled to have these new cards highlighting some of the most recent innovations in synthetic biology.

Building with Biology: Bio Bistro activity