This workshop was recorded on 4-30-24
During this online workshop, we heard from partners engaging audiences of all ages in Earth and climate science through activities that take a closer look at the scientific and societal impacts of wildfires. Partners shared how they've used resources from the NISE Network, NASA, and others to demonstrate the connection between global issues of climate and evolving fire seasons. We also discussed strategies for making content relevant and approachable by creating a safe space for important conversations around climate resilience to transpire, and how to increase interest in your community and empower the public to take action.
Tim Hecox, World Forestry Center in Portland, OR
Kevin Czajkowski, GLOBE Mission EARTH, University of Toledo, Ohio; NASA Langley Research Center, Virginia
Christopher White, The Discovery in Reno, NV
Nicholos Wethington, spectrUM Discovery Area in Missoula, MT
Stacey Forsyth, CU Science Discovery in Boulder, CO
This workshop was recorded on 4-30-24
During this online workshop, we heard from partners engaging audiences of all ages in Earth and climate science through activities that take a closer look at the scientific and societal impacts of wildfires. Partners shared how they've used resources from the NISE Network, NASA, and others to demonstrate the connection between global issues of climate and evolving fire seasons. We also discussed strategies for making content relevant and approachable by creating a safe space for important conversations around climate resilience to transpire, and how to increase interest in your community and empower the public to take action.
Tim Hecox, World Forestry Center in Portland, OR
Kevin Czajkowski, GLOBE Mission EARTH, University of Toledo, Ohio; NASA Langley Research Center, Virginia
Christopher White, The Discovery in Reno, NV
Nicholos Wethington, spectrUM Discovery Area in Missoula, MT
Stacey Forsyth, CU Science Discovery in Boulder, CO
Arizona State University
This material is based upon work supported by NASA under cooperative agreement award number NNX16AC67A, 80NSSC18M0061 and under award number 80NSSC21M0082. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike 3.0 United States (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 US).
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NISE Network products are developed through an iterative collaborative process that includes scientific review, peer review, and visitor evaluation in accordance with an inclusive audiences approach. Products are designed to be easily edited and adapted for different audiences under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike license. To learn more, visit our Development Process page.