The Survival game show is a public program that's all about working together to create a better future. It introduces the idea that a sustainable future involves meeting the social, environmental and economic needs of all people without damaging the planet and using up resources that future generations will need. Using the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, participants work as a team to discover that the three main pillars of sustainability (People, Planet, and Prosperity) are interconnected and necessary to a healthy future.
The Survival game show is a public program that's all about working together to create a better future. It introduces the idea that a sustainable future involves meeting the social, environmental and economic needs of all people without damaging the planet and using up resources that future generations will need. Using the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, participants work as a team to discover that the three main pillars of sustainability (People, Planet, and Prosperity) are interconnected and necessary to a healthy future.
- Sustainability means healthy people, communities, and environments, now and in the future.
- Sustainability scientists study the interaction between people and the planet and find innovative and responsible solutions to global challenges.
- We can work together to create a sustainable future. Everyone has a part to play.
As a result of participating in this program, learners will increase their:
- Understanding of big ideas related to sustainable futures and key concepts in sustainability science and practice (“sustainability”)
- Awareness of the ways that sustainability is relevant to their lives and issues they care about
- Sense of self-efficacy related to sustainability, including their ability to take sustainable actions and participate in conversations about sustainable futures
- Survival Facilitator Guide (PDF)
- Survival Large Graphics - Vector (PDF)
- Survival SDG Magnet Graphics (PDF)
- Survival Logo - Horiz and Vert - Vector (PDF)
- Survival Logo - Horiz 500px (PNG)
- Survival Logo - Horiz 500px (JPG)
- Survival Logo - Horiz 2000px (PNG)
- Survival Logo - Horiz 2000px (JPG)
- Survival Logo - Vert 500px (PNG)
- Survival Logo - Vert 2000px (JPG)
Science Museum of Minnesota
The Rob and Melani Walton Sustainability in Science and Technology Museums program is supported through funding from The Rob and Melani Walton Foundation.
Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike 3.0 United States (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 US).
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