Public programs, hands-on activities, and professional development resources about nanoscale science, engineering, and technology and their impact on society.
NISE Network offers a digital download of the NanoDays kit, complete with instructions, lesson plans, supply lists, marketing materials, and multimedia files.

Download the full digital kit
All NanoDays 2009-2016 Resources
Kit Contents
I. Digital files of documents to help you get started:
- NanoDays 2015 Planning Guide and Welcome Letter revised
- Strategies for Engaging Bilingual Audiences reference sheet
- A Guide to Building Partnerships Between Museums and University-Based Research Centers
II. Digital files of instructional guides, signs, and supplies for this year's hands-on nano activities and programs:
- Exploring Materials—Graphene revised Spanish!
- Exploring Materials—Polarizers NEW! Spanish!
- Exploring Materials—Stained-Glass Windows NEW! Spanish!
- Exploring Materials—Thin Films Spanish!
- Exploring Nano & Society—Tell a Nano Story NEW! Spanish!
- Exploring Products—Kinetic Sand NEW! Spanish!
- Exploring Products—Nano Fabric Spanish!
- Exploring Products—Nano Food NEW! Spanish!
- Exploring Properties—Heat Transfer NEW! Spanish!
- Exploring Tools—Dress Up Like a Nanoscientist NEW! Spanish!
- Exploring Tools—Transmission Electron Microscopes NEW! Spanish!
III. Digital files of educational graphics and media:
- Key Concepts Posters Spanish!
- Nano and Society Posters
- Nano Museum Labels (Graphic Signs) Spanish!
- DIY Nano App & whatisnano.org posters and give-a-way cards revised
- Presidential Decisions game (Flash-based)
IV. Digital files of marketing and promotional materials:
- NISE Network Brochure (to share with staff and collaborators)
- Large Promotional Banners, Sample Ads and Posters, Sample Press Release, and other Marketing Materials revised Spanish!
- NanoDays Promotional Video
- NISE Network Report to Partners NEW!
- NISE Net Publicity Photos revised
V. Digital files of staff & volunteer training materials:
- Nano 101 for staff
- NanoDays orientation Powerpoint slides and notes revised
- Training Video guides
- Tips for engaging visitors
- Tips for visitor conversations
- Tips for Engaging Girls reference sheet NEW!
- Tips for Engaging Girls activity specific cards NEW!
- Engaging the Public in Nano (guide to key concepts)
- NISE Network Learning Framework
- Team-Based Inquiry Guide
- Nanotechnology and Society Guide
VI. Digital files of educational media
- How Small is Nano? video
- What Happens in a Nano Lab? video
- Nanotechnology: What's the Big Deal? revised Spanish!
- Mr. O videos: Liquid Armor NEW!, A Little Bit of Sunshine NEW!, Getting a Sense of Smell, I Got No Stains on Me, and Molecular Gastronomy Nanocoatings, Butterfly Blues, Nobel Winning Experiment
- What's Nano About....? video series: Bubbles, Chocolate, Water, Toilets
- Nano and Me video series: Aluminum, Gold, Gravity, Latex, Pants, and Silver Spanish!
- Zoom into a Blue Morpho Butterfly video
- Zoom into a Lotus Leaf video
- Zoom into a Microchip video
- Invisibility Cloak video
- Wonders and Worries of Nanotechnology video series: Ask and Research, Who Benefits, and Regulation
- Three Angry Scientists video
- Does Every Silver Lining Have a Cloud? video
VII. Digital files of staff and volunteer training media
- Nanotechnology: What's the Big Deal? (Intro to Nano video) revised Spanish!
- A Museum Presentation: How NOT to Present
- A Museum Presentation: How TO Present
- Speed-Ucate: How to have an effective science and society conversation
- America’s Next Top Presenter
- Training Videos for NanoDays activities and programs NEW!
- Exploring Fabrication—Electroplating
- Exploring Fabrication—Gummy Capsules
- Exploring Fabrication—Self-Assembly NEW!
- Exploring Forces—Static Electricity NEW!
- Exploring Forces—Gravity NEW!
- Exploring Materials—Ferrofluid
- Exploring Materials—Graphene NEW! 2015 kit
- Exploring Materials—Hydrogel
- Exploring Materials—Liquid Crystals NEW!
- Exploring Materials—Memory Metal
- Exploring Materials—Nano Gold NEW!
- Exploring Materials—Oobleck
- Exploring Materials—Polarizers NEW! 2015 kit
- Exploring Materials—Stained-Glass Windows NEW! 2015 kit
- Exploring Materials—Thin Films 2015 kit
- Exploring Nano & Society—Space Elevator
- Exploring Nano & Society—Tell a Nano Story NEW! 2015 kit
- Exploring Nano & Society—You Decide!
- Exploring Products—Computer Hard Drives
- Exploring Products—Kinetic Sand NEW! 2015 kit
- Exploring Products—Liquid Crystal Displays
- Exploring Products—Nano Fabrics 2015 kit
- Exploring Products—Nano Food NEW! 2015 kit
- Exploring Products—Nano Sand NEW!
- Exploring Products—Sunblock NEW!
- Exploring Properties—Capillary Action
- Exploring Properties—Electric Squeeze
- Exploring Properties—Heat Transfer NEW! 2015 kit
- Exploring Properties—Invisibility
- Exploring Properties—Surface Area NEW!
- Exploring Properties—UV Bracelets
- Exploring Size—Ball Sorter NEW!
- Exploring Size—Measure Yourself
- Exploring Size—Memory Game NEW!
- Exploring Size—Moving Molecules
- Exploring Size—Powers of Ten Game
- Exploring Size—Scented Balloons NEW!
- Exploring Size—Scented Solutions NEW!
- Exploring Size—StretchAbility NEW!
- Exploring Size—Tiny Ruler
- Exploring Structures—Buckyballs NEW!
- Exploring Structures—Butterfly NEW!
- Exploring Structures—DNA NEW!
- Exploring Tools—3D Imaging
- Exploring Tools—Dress Up Like a Nanoscientist NEW! 2015 kit
- Exploring Tools—Mitten Challenge
- Exploring Tools—Mystery Shapes
- Exploring Tools—Transmission Electron Microscopes NEW! 2015 kit
- Build a Giant Puzzle! NEW!
- "Horton Hears a Who!" Storytime
- I Spy Nano!
- Robots and People
- Try measuring little things! NEW!
- What am I? NEW!
- Would You Buy That?
All videos may be downloaded from Vimeo with a free "basic" account: www.vimeo.com/join; for more assistance please see FAQ # 10.