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Nano Bite: November 2013

Welcome to the November Nano Bite, the monthly e-newsletter for the Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network (NISE Net).

What's New?

→ Don’t Delay: NanoDays 2014 Kit Applications Due December 1, 2013
Ready, set, don't forget to submit your 2014 NanoDays application for a physical kit with a whole range of new and favorite activities, including training materials to bring nanoscale science, engineering, and technology to your institution and community. NanoDays participants will have the opportunity to explore capillary action and non-Newtonian fluids, investigate new nano products and materials, and imagine what society might be like if we all wore invisibility cloaks! Other activities include using electricity to coat a nickel coin in copper and a program about Robots & People. Take advantage of all these activities by incorporating the hands-on experience into year-round programs!

To learn more about NanoDays, eligibility, and how to apply, go to


Online Brown-Bag Conversations

Brown-bag conversations help to foster dialogue among NISE Net community members, to share lessons learned, and discuss new ideas. The final brown-bag (Nano in Food) for 2013 will take place on November 13, 2013: 

Nano in Food - Wednesday, November 13, 2013: 3:00 pm Eastern/12:00 pm Pacific
Presenter: Frank Kusiak, Lawrence Hall of Science

Learn all about the intersection of nano and food. Who doesn’t love food? Who doesn’t love nano?
To sign up for this conversation, go to:

Did you miss a previous brown-bag or are you interested in upcoming conversations? Check out the NISE Net brown-bag schedule and archives for further details. Upcoming brown-bags in 2014 will include a variety of NanoDays-related themes such as What's Coming in Your 2014 NanoDays Kit, Hosting a Billingual NanoDays, and The Science Behind NanoDays, just to name a few.

New in the Catalog
As a way to engage partners, the NISE Network hosted a group of invitation-only regional meetings across the U.S. between September and October. The regional meetings provided an opportunity to increase the capacity of partners to engage the public in nanoscale science, engineering, and technology, allowed partners to share experiences using NISE Net products, and fostered networking opportunities among partners. If you're interested in learning about what items were discussed at the regional meetings, meeting slides including partner presentations are available for viewing at

Conferences and Meetings

A Nano-Infused 2013 ASTC Conference
The 2013 Association of Science - Technology Centers (ASTC) Conference was held October 19-22, 2013 in Albuquerque, New Mexico and for the first time was collaboratively hosted by three local science centers and museums: Explora, National Museum of Nuclear Science and History, and New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science. Don't forget the session proposal deadline for the 2014 ASTC is November 15 (call for proposals).

Thank you to all the NISE Network partners who joined us at the conference or presented about your NISE Net work! The NISE Net community was involved in many aspects of conference activities, which included a large number of nano-infused sessions and discussions. With the NISE Network exhibition booth as a central stop for many community partners, regional hub leaders were able to shake hands and reach out to conference attendees who were new to nanoscience activities. Additionally, NISE Net also organized a pre-conference Team-Based Inquiry (TBI) workshop, hosted a community happy hour, and participated in this year’s Science in the Park, which attracted local students to learn about science through fun hands-on activities. A great way to celebrate another ASTC Conference was with the annual partner breakfast where Larry Bell, from the Museum of Science, Boston, presented to over 60 community members providing a year in review and a look into the future.
  • Check out this fun video [view here] from ASTC’s Live Demonstration Hour where Stephanie Long, Science Museum of Minnesota, presented a shortened version of "Would You Buy That?!" The full program can be downloaded from the NISE Net catalog at
Upcoming Events
If you're planning to present at a conference on NISE Net-related projects and want to make the community aware of these activities, please notify Kayla Berry at Upcoming meetings and conferences that include NISE Network participation are indicated with an asterisk.
Nano in the News
Public Wants Labels for Food Nanotech – and They’re Willing to Pay for It - A recently published study on public desire for labeling of nanotechnology in food products. Have you seen the NISE Network’s Program called "Would You Buy That?!" With more consumable and non-consumable products being manufactured with nano-materials, consumers are hungry for more information. What do you think?
            - See NISE Net Program "Would You Buy That?!"
            - See NISE Net Program "Nanotech and Consumer Products"
Inventory Finds Increase in Consumer Products Containing Nanoscale Materials - Recently released is an updated Nanotechnology Consumer Products Inventory, representing an increase of 24% in consumer products on the market since the last inventory which took place in 2010. Find nano-products that you may already be using and weren't even aware of!
            - See NISE Net Program "Nanotech and Consumer Products"

→ What Henry Ford Can Teach Us About Nanotechnology - With the invention of the automobile came many changes but a good idea can also carry unforeseen consequences. Similarly, the invention of nanotechnologies may also result in seen and unforeseen implications, therefore some believe that conversations are a must and national dialogs about new technologies should be hosted at universities, think tanks, churches, and science museums.
           - See NISE Net Program "Attack of the Nanoscientist"
           - See NISE Net Forum "Risks, Benefits and Who Decides?"
           - See NISE Net Tools and Guides "Nano and Society Training Materials"

Nano-Cone Textures Generate Extremely "Robust" Water Repellent Surfaces - When it comes to designing extremely water-repellent surfaces, shape and size matter, say scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory. Research findings are highly relevant for a broad range of applications where water resistance is important, including power generation and transportation.
           - See NISE Net Program "Exploring Products-Nano Fabrics (NanoDays 10,11)"
           - See NISE Net Program "Lotus Leaf Effect" or view "Zoom into a Lotus Leaf video"
           - See NISE Net Program "Exploring Products-Nano Sand (NanoDays 2011)"
           - See NISE Net Classroom Activities: "The Water Race: Hydrophobic & Hydrophilic Surfaces" and "Experiment with Hydrophobic Materials"
Nano Throughout the Year
A list of nano activities for use throughout the year is available on the NISE Net’s list of seasonal activities. Don’t miss out on upcoming programs with a Thanksgiving theme!

Nano Haiku
Thermal camouflage.
Vanadium Oxide for
military gear.

This month’s haiku was submitted by Luke Donforth from the University of Vermont. This haiku was created in response to the article, A Chameleon on the Physics Lab.

Follow the NISE Net on Social Media!

Read the Nano Bite e-newsletter online at /newsletter/nano-bite-november-2013.

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A Change in Season and Staff Within the NISE Network: New Network Coordinator
Please welcome the new author of the Nano Bite newsletter and NISE Net Coordinator, Kayla Berry! Kayla's background is in earth sciences, and worked previously as the communications and outreach and project coordinator with a university consortium, which has primed her for her role within the NISE Net community. This is her first formal introduction to nano-science and is extremely "excited"! Please send work, haikus, or interesting news items to propose for the newsletter to

We're also sadly saying goodbye to our past Nano Bite author, Eli Bossin, who has moved to a new position with the Visitor Studies Association. Congratulations, Eli!