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Spanish Language Resources

Bilingual Design Guide cover showing Latino family having conversation about an exhibit

Tools, Guides, and Strategies

NISE Network resources for engaging bilingual audiences, translation process, and bilingual graphic design

NISE Network Co-creating with Communities Initiative

Through two complementary NASA-funded projects, the NISE Network will increase the capacity of informal educators across the United States to work with local communities to co-create opportunities to learn about NASA science in ways that are locally relevant and inclusive of everyone. 


National Hispanic Heritage Month logo

National Hispanic Heritage Month 
(September 15-October 15) 

More Resources

Blue logo for online workshop recordings

Online Workshop Recordings

Spanish Icon

Many NISE Network materials are available in Spanish! Español!

Follow the links below to explore Spanish versions of NISE Network learning materials, created with US Spanish-speakers in mind. Note that most professional resources, such as instructional materials and educator’s guides, are only available in English.

Search all materials available in Spanish

Engagement Materials


Programs and Activities

Earth & Space

Radio Waves


Synthetic Biology

NanoDays and Nanoscale Science


Graphic Images

Nanoscale science:

Exhibition Signage and more

Earth & Space science

Nanoscale Science:

Blogs and News

Nanoscale science:

Companion Websites for Public Audiences

Earth & Space science

Nanoscale science:


Nanoscale science: