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Nano Bite: October 2011

Welcome to the October Nano Bite, the monthly e-newsletter for the Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network (NISE Net).

What's new?

New Resources
A number of new programs have been added to the NISE Net CatalogSome highlights include:
  • Would You Buy That?: This program examines and explores social and ethical issues of consumer products from the past, present, and future. Audience members are asked to weigh the risks and benefits. The audience members are responsible for making choices on what products to buy, question, or not buy for themselves in this fun and interactive show.

  • Cleaning Our Water with Nanotechnology: This public presentation is about our drinking water and how we can make contaminated water safe to drink using a variety of technologies - including three new nanotechnologies for water purification. The presentation includes a variety of demonstrations to illustrate how these technologies work and some models to help visitors visualize what's happening with these technologies at the nanoscale.

There is still time to apply for one of a limited number of small, one-time awards to support initiatives by NISE Net partners to engage their local audiences in nanoscale science, engineering, and technology topics. Requests can be made for an award of up to $3,000 to fund a small project or be put towards a larger endeavour. Applications are due by November 1st, so be sure to get yours in.
What Else?

→ ASTC Conference
The NISE Network will be hosting a number of events at this year's 2011 ASTC Annual Conference and we would love to see you there. For full details about NISE Net events at ASTC go to:
  • The Baltimore Welcomes You! Reception - NISE Net Happy Hour is on Friday, October 14th from 5-7pm at the Metropolitan Coffeehouse & Wine Bar.
  • Visit the NISE Net booth #801 in the exhibit hall, featuring a prototype of the Nano mini-exhibition. Stop by Saturday the 15th or Sunday the 16th from 10:30am-5:00pm.
  • Don't forget to RSVP for the NISE Net Partner Breakfast. Please join us on Monday, October 17th from 7:45-8:45am at the Sheraton Baltimore City Center, Pratt Room
  • ASTC will be announcing its support for a Community of Practice around Public Engagement with Science in an open session on Sunday, October 16 at 10:30 AM in room 315 at the convention center. This Community of Practice (CoP) focuses on "activities, events, or interactions characterized by mutual learning - not one-way transmission from 'experts' to publics - among people of varied backgrounds, scientific expertise, and life experiences who articulate and discuss their perspectives, ideas, knowledge, and values." The session will be an opportunity to provide input to ASTC about the specific direction of their support for the CoP.


 Risk Conference at Michigan
The University of Michigan Risk Science Center recently hosted the 2011 Risk Science Symposium: Risk, Uncertainty, and Sustainable Innovation - New Perspectives on Emerging Challenges. Larry Bell and Rae Ostman of the NISE Net served on Panel 12: Risk, Uncertainty, and Social Engagement. For more on NISE Net's role at the conference, read Larry's Blog Post and watch the video of Panel 12.

 Dance your PhD
Every year there is an online contest for grad students to "dance their thesis." The NISE Network casts its vote for Nanosensing protein allostery and peptide interactions using SERS!
Small World Photo Contest
The Nikon Small World photomicrography competition awards some of the most amazing microscopic photos of the year. Check out the gallery for some excellent images of the very small.


Partner Highlights
in July 2011, about 150 blind high school students from all over the United States gathered for one week to learn about science and technology at the biannual Youth Slam summer camp organized by the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) at the Towson University campus. The Youth Slam is a five-day STEM academy designed to engage and inspire the next generation of blind youth to consider careers falsely believed to be impossible for the blind. This year ten students took part in a new addition to the program - a Nanoscience Track. To learn more about this program, click here for the full partner highlight by Brad Herring of the North Carolina Museum of Life and Science.

If you're interested in learning more about developing educational activities that are inclusive of the wide range of museum visitors, including visitors who are blind, check out the NISE Net's Universal Design guides for programs and exhibits.

NanoDays: The Italian Way!
Dozens of children participated in the second annual Nano Piccola event in Gagliato, Italy in July. It gave kids a chance to learn about nanotechnology and nanomedicine through hands-on activities and talks by researchers from the Methodist Hospital Research Institute in Houston, TX. Click here for the complete highlight from Rashmi Nanjundaswamy of the Lawrence Hall of Science.

Nano in the News

Maybe someday your NanoDays stick-on tattoos will do more than simply express your love for nano!

Nano Haiku

New nanorockets
Might one day shuttle drugs around
Our blood stream, not space

This haiku by Vrylena Olney, of the Museum of Science, Boston refers to the above article Nanorockets Could Deliver Drugs Inside the Body.

Questions? Haikus? Contributions to the newsletter? Contact Eli Bossin at

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