Science Fiction, Star Wars, Star Trek, and Superheroes

event at the Oklahoma Wondertorium
in Stillwater, Oklahoma
with costumed characters
Star Wars
- May the Fourth - Star Wars Day (May 4th)
https://www.starwars.com/star-wars-day - NASA and Star Wars connections
- NASA Museum Informal Education Alliance list of resources (login required)
- Partner Event Examples:
Stepping Stones Museum for Children in Norwalk, CT
May the Fourth Be with You event in 2019 online workshop (at 30 minute point of recording) describes how to use these hands-on activities:
http://www.nisenet.org/catalog/online-workshop-earth-space-science-early-learners-recorded- Experiment with Exploring Earth: Bear’s Shadow activity - How would shadows would look to Luke on the planet Tatooine with two suns?
- Exploring the Universe: Orbiting Objects activity - Ewoks live on a forest moon that orbits Endor a giant gaseous planets, learn how the forest moon and the eight other moons are affected by Endor's gravity and what keeps them circling the planet
- Exploring the Universe: Imagining Life activity - Can you imagine a creature that would live on a planet very different from Earth?
- Exploring the Solar System: Pocket Solar System activity: How long does it really take to get from one place to another if you are traveling at the speed of light?
- Exploring the Solar System: Big Sun, Small Moon activity - Did the Empire choose a good location to build the Death Star? Find out why orbiting the planet Geonosis may thwart their evil plans.
- Exploring Earth: Rising Sea activity - Gungan inhabitants of the planet Naboo might not mind if water levels were rising, but the Naboo might! learn how rising sea levels are affecting our world and how scientists keep track of water levels.
- Exploring the Solar System: Craters activity - How are craters formed? Your crater will not be big enough to hold a pod race like the Boonta Eve Classic, but it will help you learn about these features on the Earth, our Moon, and other planets.
- Exploring Materials - Oobleck - Make Jabba the Hut Slime
- Exploring the Solar System: Stomp Rockets - Launch a rocket with a Chewbacca sized stomp
- Exploring Forces - Static Electricity and Exploring the Universe: Static Electricity - Use Jedi forces you can't see
- Exploring Forces - Gravity - Use Jedi forces you can't see
More activities:
- Exploring the Universe: Star Formation
- Exploring the Universe: Nebula Spin Art
- More Explore Science: Earth & Space toolkit activities

Star Trek
- NASA Museum Informal Education Alliance list of resources (login required)
https://informal.jpl.nasa.gov/museum/content/star-trek-and-nasa - First Contact Day (April 5)
In the Star Trek Universe humans make first contact with an alien species on April 5, 2063.

Science Fiction
- Frankenstein 200 kit activities - hands-on activities that explore themes of human creativity, societal responsibility, and scientific ethics
- Building with Biology kit activities - activities designed to create conversations about the emerging field of synthetic biology and societal implications
- Exploring Properties - Invisibility activity
- Exploring Nano & Society - Invisibility Cloak activity
- Invisibility Cloak video
- Exploring Nano & Society - Space Elevator activity
- Risks, Benefits and Who Decides? forum
- Flying Cars stage presentation
- Exploring Nano and Society: Flying Cars activity
- Halloween resources

Bakken Museum in Minneapolis, MN
using the Battery Stack activity withwith costumed Mary Shelley
and Frankenstein's monster
- Article from space.com - Welcome to the future: 11 ideas that went from science fiction to reality

Science Museum of Minnesota
in Saint Paul, Minnesota
Superheroes and Science Fiction
- The Power of invisibility:
In spite of the name, this is an experiment that relies on your observational prowess. Take a look and discover what you cannot see. It’s not magic, it’s science.

- You ARE a human torch!
Heat is transferred between different materials as they come into contact with one another. How well heat is absorbed depends on the materials’ thermal conductivity. Observe and experience heat transfer in action with this table-top experiment. - Biomimicry: Walking on Walls
Q: How does that sneaky Spidey do it?
A: With a little help from the Van der Waals force and nanoscale-size hairs of course! Still not convinced? Try this sticky experiment and see for yourself! -
Body Armor
Move over, clunky exo-suit. Nanotechnologists and materials scientists are reimagining how body armor looks and feels: fabrics that are flexible, lightweight, and will protect against high-impact projectiles. Oobleck looks like a liquid but acts as a solid – check it out!- Liquid Body Armor activity
- Liquid Armor video
- Exploring Materials - Oobleck activity
Size and Scale
Some superheroes get their powers by being extra large, or extra small. What would your life be like if you were suddenly expanded to twice your original size? Or shrunk to a tiny size?-
Try having visitors experiment with dropping small objects such as pennies or paperclips into different viscosity fluids – corn syrup, baby oil, water, etc., to demonstrate obstacles facing tiny superheroes such as AntMan.
Exploring Size - Measure Yourself activity
Zoom posters Everything Is Made of Atoms - Butterfly, Bloodstream, Computer Chip
Building New Super Creatures
Science of the Avengers
Video from American Chemical Society – ACS Reactions: https://youtu.be/Gr3ov7R89Xo
Can Radiation Give You Superpowers?
Video from American Chemical Society – ACS Reactions: https://youtu.be/GbmSmgTIQ8s
Popular Science article, "The Science of Superheroes"
- Partner Event Examples:
- Pow! Zap! Crash! – How to incorporate STEM content into an amazing Superhero Science event!
Event at the Science Museum of Minnesota using NanoDays activities
- Pow! Zap! Crash! – How to incorporate STEM content into an amazing Superhero Science event!
Suggestions for connections to hand-on activities

Building with Biology Kit

Frankenstein200 Kit - Contents List


Exploring Properties - Invisibility

Invisibility Cloak video

Exploring Nano & Society - Invisibility Cloak

Exploring Nano & Society - Space Elevator

Exploring Nano & Society - Flying Cars

Flying Cars

Building with Biology: Super Organisms

Pow! Zap! Crash! – How to incorporate STEM content into an amazing Superhero Science event!

Online Workshop Recording: Earth & Space Science for Early Learners
Annual Events
- Super Hero movie releases (see Super Hero and Halloween resources above)
- National Science Fiction Day (January 2) https://www.nationaldaycalendar.com/national-day/national-science-fiction-day-january-2
- Star Trek First Contact Day (April 5) (see Star Trek resources above)
- May the Fourth - Star Wars Day (May 4) (see Star Wars resources above)
- Halloween (October 31) (see Frankenstein and Halloween resources above)