A compilation of resources for museums and informal science education institutions developed in response to Coronavirus COVID-19, including safety practices, closures, digital engagement, evaluation resources, and more.
Revised June 21, 2024

Vaccine Museum and Educational Resources
A compilation of vaccine resources for museums, many developed in response to COVID-19, that include science communication approaches and public engagement strategies that apply to discussions about most viruses and vaccines.
Coronavirus museum resources
Communities for Immunity
Communities for Immunity is an initiative supporting the work of museums and libraries in engaging their communities in COVID-19 vaccine confidence. Funding opportunity for museums and libraries.
https://community.astc.org/communitiesforimmunity/homeAssociation of Children's Museum (ACM)
Museums Mobilize - highlighting how children's museums are supporting families during the pandemic
Association of Science and Technology Centers (ASTC)
American Alliance of Museums (AAM)
AAM Digital Tools for Pandemic times
https://www.aam-us.org/2020/11/18/digital-tools-for-pandemic-times/AAM reopening starter kit with signage
https://www.aam-us.org/2020/08/03/reopening-starter-kit-for-museums/National Survey of COVID 19 impact on United State Museums (July 22, 2020)
American Public Gardens Association
Association of Nature Center Administrators (ANCA)
Nature Center Toolkit from ANCA and Marshall & Sterling:
https://www.natctr.org/component/k2/nature-center-toolkitPosters, signs, and checklists (editable Word Docs) from ANCA and Marshall & Sterling:
Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)
REopening Archives, Libraries, and Museums (REALM) Project:Testing of various materials and surfaces unique to museums and libraries:
https://www.oclc.org/realm/home.htmlOne year later: Perspectives from the field - Leaders reflect on organizational change

- The Smithsonian Vaccines&US initiative about the role of cultural organizations in promoting community health
Suggestions for using this portal: https://www.si.edu/vaccinesandus/site-use-note-peers
- American Camp Association including operations guide
https://www.acacamps.org/resource-library/coronavirus-information-camps American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) Museum and Cultural Heritage Industry Working Group - Reopening: Guidance for Museums and Collecting Institutions
https://aiha-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/AIHA/resources/Reopening-Guidance-for-Museums-and-Collecting-Institutions_GuidanceDocument.pdfCenter for Advancement of Informal Science Education (CAISE)
https://www.informalscience.org/informal-stem-education-resources-covid-19-and-online-learning- ECSITE (the European network of science centers and museums) shared resources of how to talk about the Coronavirus
https://www.ecsite.eu/activities-and-services/news-and-publications/digital-spokes/issue-61#section=section-good-reads-and-resources&href=/feature/highlight/coronavirus-what-read-times-uncertainty - Tips and Thoughts for Museums in a COVID World from Studio Tectonic

NISE Network Online Workshop Recordings
- NISE Network Online Informal Get-Together: Sharing Resources & Strategies for Engaging & Supporting Our Communities during COVID-19 (Recorded March 31, 2020)
- Celebrating Earth Day 2020 at Home (Recorded April 7, 2020)
- Virtual Camps and Strategies to Reach Underserved Communities and Underrepresented Groups (Recorded May 5, 2020)
- NISE Network Partner Reopening Strategies PART 1 (Recorded May 26, 2020)
- NISE Network Partner Reopening Strategies PART 2 (Recorded June 30, 2020)
- Museum school outreach and fields trips in the time of COVID uncertainty (Recorded September 29, 2020)
- The COVID-19 Vaccine: What role can museums play in the rollout of the new vaccine? (Recorded February 2, 2021)
Communication and Messaging
Effective science communication messages and resources:
- Messaging Resources from Public Health Collaborative
https://publichealthcollaborative.org/resources/ - Answers to Tough Questions about Public Health including Pandemic Fatigue
https://publichealthcollaborative.org/faq/ - Bridging statements can be an effective communications tool to stay grounded in core messages and build trust with fact-based messaging.

Posters and Signage
- Vaccines & US posters
https://www.si.edu/vaccinesandus/posters - Posters, signs, and checklists (editable Word Docs) from Association of Nature Center Administrators (ANCA) and Marshall & Sterling: https://www.marshallsterling.com/articles/2020/06/covid-19-resources-nature-centers-and-nature-organizations
- CDC printable signage
https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/communication/print-resources.html?Sort=Date%3A%3Adesc - American Alliance of Museums (AAM) reopening starter kit with signage
https://www.aam-us.org/2020/08/03/reopening-starter-kit-for-museums/ - Vaccine signage: https://www.nisenet.org/vaccine
Nanotechnology and Coronavirus
Current Science Resources about Coronavirus COVID-19
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
- Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy
https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/covid-19 NIH workplace training resources
https://tools.niehs.nih.gov/wetp/covid19worker/index.cfm- Yale Medicine COVID-19 Glossary
https://www.yalemedicine.org/stories/covid-19-glossary/ - Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center
https://coronavirus.jhu.edu - New York Times Coronavirus Vaccine Tracker
Viruses and Coronavirus videos and activities for the public
Resources for public engagement about viruses and vaccines:
Do Science At Home resources
We've selected a few things that are not materials-intensive that many families may be able to try at home. If your institution is attempting to engage with audiences virtually, check out these and other resources from the NISE Network:
Resources for digital public engagement
- A compilation of museum online collections and virtual tours
- https://mcn.edu/a-guide-to-virtual-museum-resources/
- SciStarter - Tips for citizen science from home
https://blog.scistarter.com/2020/03/you-can-celebrate-citizen-science-month-from-home/ - SciStarter webinar - Facilitate Remote, Live-Streamed Citizen Science
March 25, 2020 webinar - AAM - How Your Museum Can Use Social Media During COVID-19
https://www.aam-us.org/2020/03/24/how-your-museum-can-use-social-media-during-covid-19/ - American Alliance of Museums (AAM) Distance Learning
https://sites.google.com/view/museum-distance-learning/home - Publishers adapting their policies to help educators
https://www.slj.com/?detailStory=publishers-adapt-policies-to-help-educators-coronavirus-covid19 - ASTC - Online Programming Created by Science Centers and Museums
https://www.astc.org/coronavirus/educationalresources/ - Howtosmile list of museums offering at-home activities
https://www.howtosmile.org/blog/posts/museums-at-home-resources - A guide to using virtual events to facilitate community building by Center for Scientific Collaboration and Community Engagement (CSCCE)
https://zenodo.org/record/3934385#.Xxip3C2z124 - Suggested tools to support the creation of digital engagement resources and programs
https://padcaster.com/pages/padcaster-for-educators (Padcaster, video production)
https://kahoot.com/schools/how-it-works/ (Kahoot, quizzes/game-based learning platform)
Public perceptions and audience research
Wilkening Consulting - Data Stories related to museums and COVID done on behalf of the American Alliance of Museums
http://www.wilkeningconsulting.com/data-stories.htmlColleen Dilenschneider - Know Your Own Bone - Public perceptions and intentions to visit cultural entities
https://www.colleendilen.com/category/covid-19-updates/- Should Cultural Entities Require Proof of Vaccination? What makes potential visitors feel safe attending?
In September 2021, Colleen Dilenschneider found nearly 48% of likely US visitors believe that cultural entities should require all visitors to show proof of vaccination. The majority of people who attend cultural entities still desire mandatory mask requirements for all visitors.
- Should Cultural Entities Require Proof of Vaccination? What makes potential visitors feel safe attending?
Culture Track - national online survey of audience behaviors, attitudes, motivations, and barriers to cultural participation; study of 124,000 respondents including factors that will influence return to cultural activities (conducted by LaPlaca Cohen and Slover Linett Audience Research)
Culture + Community in a Time of Crisis - “Key Findings from Wave 1" report
Evaluation and research
- Learning at Home While Under-connected: Lower-Income Families During the COVID-19 Pandemic (June 24, 2021)
https://www.newamerica.org/education-policy/reports/learning-at-home-while-underconnected/ Findings from Science Museum of Minnesota NSF-funded rapid COIVD research project about the kinds of questions children are asking a year into the pandemic, the worries they have, and the types of support caregivers need in order to discuss the COVID-19 pandemic with their children.
Phase II Report from January 2021 survey: http://bit.ly/SMM_Covid2021_FullReport
Free webinar Thursday, March 25 from 3 - 4 pm Central (4 - 5 pm Eastern) where we'll share findings from both phases of the research: https://survey.alchemer.com/s3/6235748/RAPID-Covid-Webinar-Sign-Up
Phase I September 2020 full report: http://bit.ly/SMM_Covid1_FullReport
Coronavirus-related episodes created by Brains On! https://www.brainson.org/page/coronavirus
- Wilkening Consulting Data Stories related to museums and COVID done on behalf of the American Alliance of Museums
http://www.wilkeningconsulting.com/data-stories.html Colleen Dilenschneider - Know Your Own Bone - Public perceptions and intentions to visit cultural entities https://www.colleendilen.com/category/covid-19-updates/
- Culture Track study by Slover Linett Audience Research and LaPlaca Cohen
http://culturetrack.com/COVIDstudy/- Webinar Recap: Understanding Audiences: Early Results from Culture and Community in Time of Crisis Survey https://www.advisoryboardarts.com/june-17-understanding-audiences-early-results-from-culture-community-in-time-of-crisis-survey
- Research Live is collating various studies that are tracking people’s opinions about COVID-19, especially in the UK
https://www.research-live.com/article/news/covid19-keeping-track-ofattitudes-and-behaviour/id/5067182 - Doing Fieldwork in a Pandemic
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1clGjGABB2h2qbduTgfqribHmog9B6P0NvMgVuiHZCl8/edit?fbclid=IwAR1lnvS2QfIfqPwmNvHf5u4JDm7E185Y6mQzCKRgCiKVwoudndRadm0XmkM - NISE Network Team-Based Inquiry Guide (evaluation professional development capacity-building)
https://www.nisenet.org/catalog/team-based-inquiry-guide - NISE Network evaluation tools and templates
https://www.nisenet.org/catalog/nise-network-program-evaluation-tools - Visitor Studies Association
https://www.visitorstudies.org/ - American Alliance of Museums Committee on Audience Research and Evaluation
https://www.aam-us.org/professional-networks/committee-on-audience-research-and-evaluation-care/ - American Evaluation Association