Profesional Development

Professional Resources for Sustainability
Sustainability Fellowship

Games for the Future

Watch and Create! Creativity For Sustainability

Ecosystem Engineers

Good Life Challenge

Imagine Our Community 2100

Water Roll

Future Builder

Creative Reinvention

High Five for the Future

My Community

Systems Scramble

Sustainability in Science and Technology Museums

Sustainable Futures

SustainABLE Kit
Online Workshops

Online Workshop Recording: Sustainability in Museums Around the World: Working Together to Create a Sustainable Future (Part 1)

Online Workshop Recording: Sustainability and Museum Operations: Practices, Partnerships, and Resources to Help Your Organization Become More Sustainable (Part 2)

Online Workshop Recording: Sustainability and Museum Visitors: Exhibits, Programs, and Other Ways to Engage the Public (Part 3)
UN Sustainable Development Goals

UN Sustainable Development Goals https://sdgs.un.org/goals
UN Sustainable Development Goals graphics
https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/news/communications-material/ -
UNESCO Education for Sustainable Development Goals report
More Resources
- Many additional resources are compiled in the NISE Network Sustainability and Museums: A Workbook for Improving Operations, Engaging Communities, and Creating Partnerships
- Educational Resources
The Cloud Institute has a variety of frameworks and curricula
https://cloudinstitute.org/cloud-publication -
National Network for Ocean and Climate Change Interpretation (NNOCCI)
https://climateinterpreter.org/resources -
Several sustainability scholars, led by Arnim Wiek, wrote a useful framework for thinking about capacities for sustainability
- Facilities and Operations
- Association of Zoos & Aquariums Green Practices guides
https://www.aza.org/green-practices - The U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) program includes a certification program and best practices for improving operations
- Association of Zoos & Aquariums Green Practices guides
Purchasing and Procurement Policies
Canadian Museum Association
https://www.museums.ca/document/1147/Chapter_7.pdf -
National Association of State Procurement Officials
- Exhibits Design
- Sustainable Exhibition Design & Construction Toolkit (v4 February 2023)
- Mindful Materials Museum Exhibition Materials Pledge
https://www.mindfulmaterials.com/museum-pledge - The Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) Green Exhibit Checklist (2012)
Annual Events
World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development (March 4)
- UNESCO: https://en.unesco.org/commemorations/engineering
- NISE Network engineering resources https://www.nisenet.org/engineering
Earth Hour (mid-March)
- www.earthhour.org
- NISE Network Earth Day resources: www.nisenet.org/earthday
- NISE Network climate change resources: https://www.nisenet.org/climatechange
- NISE Network water resources: https://www.nisenet.org/water
- NISE Network energy resources: https://www.nisenet.org/energy
Earth Day (April 22)
National Environmental Education Week (week of Earth Day)
- NISE Network compilation of resources and activities: www.nisenet.org/earthday
- NISE Network climate change resources: https://www.nisenet.org/climatechange
- NISE Network water resources: https://www.nisenet.org/water
- NISE Network energy resources: https://www.nisenet.org/energy
- www.earthday.org website
- National Environmental Education Foundation: https://www.neefusa.org/education/eeweek
National Public Works Week (mid-May)
- American Public Works Association resources
- NISE Network engineering resources https://www.nisenet.org/engineering
World Environment Day (June 5)
- United Nations World Environment Day website: https://www.un.org/en/events/environmentday/
- UNESCO: https://en.unesco.org/commemorations/environmentday
- https://www.worldenvironmentday.global/
Campus Sustainability Month (October)
Earth Science Week (second full week in October) (October 10-16, 2021)
- www.earthsciweek.org
- Explore Science: Earth and Space toolkits
- NISE Network climate change resources: https://www.nisenet.org/climatechange
- NISE Network water resources: https://www.nisenet.org/water
- NISE Network energy resources: https://www.nisenet.org/energy
America Recycles Day (November 15)

Finding STEM Experts
- See the "Environmental Science" section of Working with STEM Experts: A Guide for Educators in Museums and Other Informal Learning Settings