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Newsletter: October 2023

NISE Network logo in full color - horizontal landscape

OCTOBER 2023     


ASTC 2023 conference date and location.

ASTC Conference 
If you are attending the ASTC Conference October 7-10th, we hope to connect with you in person in Charlotte!
Please join us for:
• Networking Happy Hour, 
  Friday, October 6th, 7:30pm
• Booth (#801) Saturday & Sunday October 7th & 8th

• Many NISE Network project-related sessions

See all the details at


Build a Human Habitat on Mars - group of children building at exhibit

Build a Human Habitat on Mars Exhibit
Summative Evaluation Findings

Build a Human Habitat on Mars is a hands-on exhibit designed to inspire, engage, and educate the next generation of explorers about human exploration on Mars. Designed as an addition to the Sun, Earth, Universe exhibition, 52 copies of this exhibit are now located throughout the United States. A summative evaluation study examined public audience impacts and behaviors including examining how the exhibit fosters 21st Century Skills. 
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Solar eclipse hero without text overlay


Solar Eclipse
Saturday, October 14, 2023

It's almost here! Are you ready for the Solar Eclipse next Saturday, October 14th? During an annular solar eclipse the Moon covers the Sun, but because the Moon is farther from Earth than average, it appears smaller and doesn’t cover the Sun completely Those located on the path of annularity will see a “ring of fire," but people throughout North America will be able to see a partial eclipse.

• Compilation of resources:
• Online workshop recording (recorded 9/12)
• DIY Sun Science app



Solar Eclipse Finger Lakes Library activities distributed by the Sciencenter Ithaca, NY

Museum & Library Partnership – Community Engagement and Professional Development to Prepare for the Upcoming Solar Eclipses in the Finger Lakes of New York

In preparation for the October 2023 annular solar eclipse and the April 2024 total solar eclipse the Sciencenter in Ithaca, NY partnered with the Finger Lakes Library System to create eclipse kits for all the libraries within the system. We had been working with libraries within our county for some time – supporting programming and STEM engagement throughout the pandemic. We were able to co-create (and test) a lot of different types of programming with each library to see what best worked to engage the local community. 
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MLS Frankenstuffs Activity at Experiment Counter with Facilitator & Young Participants

It's Alive! EXTREME Frankenstuffs - An Adapted Program from the Museum of Life and Science in Durham, NC

Educators at the Museum of Life and Science (MLS) in Durham, NC have a great adaptation that combines two NISE Network activity favorites, and it's just in time for Halloween! EXTREME Frankenstuffs is a variation on the NISE Network's Explore Science: Earth and Space Toolkit activity Exploring the Universe: Imagining Life.
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Build a Giant Carbon Nanotube exhibit with visitors looking inside

Celebrating 45 Years of Nanoscale Research at the Cornell Nanoscale Science and Technology Facility

Each year more than 1,000 scientists, engineers and technologists from around the world use Cornell Nanoscale Science and Technology Facility's (CNF) state-of-the-art instrumentation with the assistance of highly trained and creative specialists and staff. The ongoing partnership between this flagship facility and the Sciencenter in Ithaca, NY has been incredibly valuable with activities and the return of the Nano exhibition this year.
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Storming the Castle



October STEM Events!
Find fun hands-on STEM activities and resources to incorporate into your October annual events! 
 National Nanotechnology Day
• National Chemistry Week resources
• Halloween resources



An artist’s concept of asteroid Psyche. Credit: Maxar/ASU/P. Rubin/NASA/JPL-Caltech

Meteorites and Asteroids
NASA’s OSIRIS-REx successfully returned to Earth on September 24, 2023 with material from asteroid Bennu! The Psyche mission to a metal asteroid launch window opens in October 2023, and the Lucy spacecraft will encounter its first target November 1, 2023.


Solar eclipse hero without text overlay

Solar eclipse resources
Two major solar eclipses are coming to North America on Saturday, October 14, 2023 and Monday, April 8, 2024. Even if you are not located on the path of totality, people throughout North America will be able to see a partial eclipse.

Recorded NISE Network online workshops
View the recordings and resources from past NISE Net online workshops:

Looking for an easy way to discover resources on the website?
Check out our “Browse by Themes and Topics,” featuring curated collections of hands-on activities and resources by themes and STEM topics:



National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) 20th anniversary logo - enabling the nanotechnology revolution

National Nanotechnology Day,
This year the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) community will celebrate its 20th anniversary. This is a great opportunity to engage your local community with NanoDays activities during National Chemistry Week, National Nanotechnology Day, and Halloween events.
Learn more



Cambio logo


Are you ready for Cambio?
Cambio–meaning "change"–aims to advance equity in museums through a yearlong, NSF-funded professional development program. Apply for this funded year-long professional development program by November 1.
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International Observe the Moon Night IOMN logo

International Observe the Moon Night
On October 21, 2023 everyone on Earth is invited to learn about lunar science and exploration, take part in celestial observations, and honor cultural and personal connections to the Moon. 
Learn more
NISE Network Moon resources


ASTC Cultivating Community Science Stipends
Stipends to support established teams of science center/museum and community-based partners in using community science approaches to make demonstrable progress on community priorities. Applications due December 4, 2023.
Learn more

A Million Miles Away film poster showing astronaut and child

A Million Miles Away Film Viewing Guide
The new film "A Million Miles Away" chronicles the inspiring story of José Hernandez from migrant farmworker to astronaut. The National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP) has developed a companion educational STEM viewing guide to support families and educators.
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The Danish company that manufactures Lego has said it is more committed than ever to making its products and business more sustainable. This follows setbacks developing more sustainable plastics to replace its Lego pieces that are still almost entirely made from oil-based virgin polymers.

Learn more

NISE Network resources: 

• Explore Science: Let's Do Chemistry Kit

• Sustainability resources



Locally acquired malaria cases in Florida this summer are NOT linked to genetically modified mosquitoes released in Florida despite many false claims on social media claiming a connection.

Learn more

NISE Network resources: 

• Should We Engineer the Mosquito? forum

• Genetics resources

• Building with Biology activities

• Health resources



After years of anticipation NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission safely delivered a capsule of rocks and dust collected from the asteroid Bennu to Earth. The sample is now safely at the Johnson Space Center to begin study.

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NISE Network resources: 

• Asteroid reosurces



As Elon Musk’s Neuralink gears up for the first clinical trial implanting chips into people’s brains to treat diseases, the United Nations is developing an ethical framework for neurotechnology’s use.

Learn more

NISE Network resources: 

• Brain and Neuroscience resources



Researchers create tiny robots that run on light and radio waves. The robot, named MilliMobile, is about the size of a penny and weighs as much as a raisin. The robots can drive on various surfaces such as concrete or packed soil and carry equipment such as a camera or sensors. 

Learn more

NISE Network resources: 

• Making Waves with Radio kit

• Engineering and robot resources

• Electromagnetic spectrum resources



Does climate change make you sneeze? Allergy season is starting earlier, lasting longer, and becoming more severe – and climate change is largely responsible for these changes. As the world continues to warm, pollen seasons are expected to become more severe, which will impact respiratory health (e.g., allergies, asthma, viral infections). 

Learn more

NISE Network resources: 

• Climate change resources



Discover activity ideas for incorporating current science, engineering, and technology content into events, special programming, holidays, and seasonal activities by visiting:




  • ASTC Conference, October 7-10 2023, Charlotte, NC

    Learn more

  • Association of Children's Museums InterActivity, May 15-17, 2024, Madison, WI

    Learn more

  • International Symposium on Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST), April 10-12, 2024, Zacateca, Mexico

    Learn more

  • REVISE conference calendar

    Learn more

  • National Science Teaching Association (NSTA) Conferences

    Learn more